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Boortsog or bawïrsaq (Bashkir: бауырһаҡ, Kazakh: бауырсақ; baýyrsaq [bɑwərˈsɑq], Kyrgyz: боорсок [boːrˈsoq], Mongolian: боорцог [ˈpɔːrtsʰəɡ], Uzbek: boʻgʻirsoq [bɒʁɨrˈsɒq], Turkish: pişi, bişi, tuzlu lokma, halka, Turkmen: pişme) is a type of fried dough food found in the cuisines of Central Asia, Idel-Ural, Mongolia and the Middle East.[1] It is shaped into either triangles or sometimes spheres.[2] The dough consists of flour, yeast, milk, eggs, butter, salt, sugar, margarine.[3] Tajik boortsog are often decorated with a criss-cross pattern by pressing the bottom of a small strainer on the dough before it is fried.

Homemade boortsog
Alternative namesBoorsoq, bauyrsaq, baursak
TypeFried dough
Main ingredientsButter, salt water, milk, yeast, flour

Boortsog is often eaten as a dessert, with syrup or jam or honey. They may be thought of as cookies or biscuits, and since they are fried, they are sometimes compared to doughnuts. Mongolians and Turkic peoples sometimes dip boortsog in tea. In Central Asia, baursaki are often eaten alongside chorba.[4]

Uštipci (Serbian Cyrillic: Уштипци, pronounced [uʃtɪpt͡sɪ]) are doughnut-like fried dough balls popular in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, especially in Vojvodina, Srem district and Slovenia where they are known as "miške".


Dough for Boortsog ranges in ingredients from a simple dough, to a sweeter, crispier dough. For example, a typical Kyrgyz recipe calls for one part butter, 7 parts salt water, and 6 parts milk, along with yeast and flour, while more complex recipes add eggs and sugar. Also the dough could be made with Kaymak.

Boortsog are made by cutting the flattened dough into pieces. While not usually done in Central Asia, these pieces may be bent and knotted into various shapes before being deep fried. This is especially common among Mongolians. The dough is deep-fried golden brown. Mutton fat is traditionally used by Mongolians to give the boortsog extra flavor, but vegetable oil may be substituted.[5][6][7][8]

World records

The biggest (179 kg) baursak was cooked April 20, 2014 in Ufa, Russia. 1,006 eggs, 25 kg of sugar, 70 kg of flour, 50 kg of Bashkir honey were used for its preparation.[9] A Guinness record was made in Almaty, September 7, 2014, during the celebration of Mother's Day, when 856 kilograms of baursaks were cooked in one place in one day. The celebration was held in the form of a culinary battle between teams of mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law. Seven teams participated in the competition.[10]

See also



  1. Waters (2007), 51.
  2. Mayhew and Noble (2007), 112.
  3. Schreiber (2008), 107.
  4. Schreiber (2008), 104.
  5. "Boortsog - Deep Fried Butter Cookies - Mongolian Recipes".
  6. "Recipe for Boortsog".
  7. " - Culture of Mongolia : cooking recipes".
  8. "Жене жана боорсок" via
  9. "В Уфе на изготовление самого большого баурсака России потратили 1006 яиц // ОБЩЕСТВО | новости башинформ.рф". Retrieved 2016-09-08.
  10. "Новый рекорд Гиннесса установили в Алматы в День Матери - Фрагменты жизни в Казахстане и мире – интересные истории | Tengrinews". Retrieved 2016-09-08.

На других языках

- [en] Boortsog

[es] Boortsog

Baursaki, boortsog, boorsoq o bawırsaq (kazajo: бауырсақ IPA: [bɑwərsɑq], Kirguistán: боорсок IPA: [bo ː rsóq], mongol: боорцог IPA: [pɔ ː rts əq ʰ], tártaro cirílico: бавырсак, latín: bawırsaq, uzbeko: bog'irsoq API: [bɒʁɨrsɒq]) son una gran variedad parecidas a las dónuts de las cocinas de Kazajistán y Mongolia principalmente.[1] Consisten de masa frita, y se hacen en formas de esferas o triángulos.[2] La masa consiste en harina, levadura, leche, huevos, margarina, sal, azúcar, y grasa.[3] Baursaki es a menudo comido junto a una Çorba.[4]

[ru] Баурсак

Баурса́к, боорсо́к, бавырса́к, боорцо́к, бурса́к (алт. боорсок, башк. бауырһаҡ, бур. боорсог, каз. bauyrsaq, калм. боорцг, кирг. боорсок, монг. боорцог, ног. бавырсак, сиб.-тат. пауырсак; тадж. буғурсоқ, орзуқ; тат. бавырсак, тув. боорзак, туркм. pişme, тур. lokma, узб. boʻgʻirsoq, уйг. боғу(р)сак, хак. поорсах) — традиционное мучное изделие алтайцев, ногайцев, хакасов, башкир, бурятов, донских казаков, казахов, калмыков, киргизов, монголов, таджиков, татар, тувинцев, туркмен, узбеков, кумыков[1] и уйгуров.

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